
Vote here!
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Author:  spsps18 [ Fri Jan 02, 2015 6:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vote here!

So I don't know if the votes are still taken in account here, but I voted "I like you to add more to the existing stories, e.g. branching in story lines, the sex shop, extra dating girls" because:
1) to be honest I'm not into tentacles so this is a bit egoistic on this one
2) I'd love to have a lot more work done on the clothes and I can only hope that the modding implementation to come will allow us to create really cool clothes to undress. The zipper is a cool addition and I hope that the initial stories will have been updated too (underwear too). Yes, I have a cloth fetish haha

Finally I think like a lot of others, it would be cool as a long-term sight to optimize the game as a whole because I think it will in the end make you guys gain a lot of time. So we're talking game mechanics, mod editor (modding is seriously one of the best thing that can happen to a game like that -you can't possibly think of everyone's fetishes) and generally updates to the common base of all stories.

If you make the modding easy enough, you will be able to work more on the gameplay while the modders release content for the game so it's a win-win.

Author:  tomahawk308 [ Fri Jan 02, 2015 6:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vote here!

i agree :D

ps. with the cloth fetish you are not alone :D

Author:  Pronrockets [ Sun Feb 01, 2015 2:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Vote here!

Tentacle Dreams for sure

Author:  cooperdk [ Wed Feb 11, 2015 10:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vote here!

If I wanted tentacles, I would stick to the strange Japanese cr*p they dish out once a year.

Author:  cooperdk [ Wed Feb 11, 2015 10:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vote here!

exciter wrote:
I gotta downvote the story expanding and more dating stuff with the argument that this will make this game closer to second life, which already exists, and scares every serious gamer away. That's also the reason I didnt bought this game sooner, because I thought its like second life and softcore. A tentacle expansion would make the game attractive to more people who have doubts about it. Thats just my five cent.

If they made something a bit like Artificial Girl 3, possibly with character editing like it has, but more of a "friendship building" or even dating game, it would be cool. Just keep it offline.

Author:  mrtoon82 [ Fri Mar 13, 2015 10:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vote here!

The tentacle story could be improved by soooo much in so many ways, that i just had to feedback this stuff.

Here are some small ideas that could evolve the story:

[*]more more and more people to interact with
[*]more places to interact with
[*]a money system
[*]a level up system
[*]customization within the game by means of shops, money, monster, girls, etc

Player related:
[*]the player has a risk to get killed, raped to even have a parasitic problem with the monster
[*]the player can be effected or mind controlled by the monster, where he does things against its will or loses track of time to find out he did certain things...
[*]the player can be improved to even evolve because of the monster
[*]he might get into trouble because of his monster/adventures (police, army, girls, man, etc).

Tentacle monster related:
[*]can be trained, fed food, fed something to have sex with
[*]can be milked for its sperm
[*]has emotions or states that could get the player into trouble

Tentacle monster sperm related:
[*]effects are limited when the monster is just a baby and gets more powerful when it matures
[*]sperm could be used in a different way to control people to do certain things for the player
[*]sperm could be used to effect the outcome of certain scenarios, that usually fails or ends bad in normal circumstances.
[*]sperm could effect man #mindcontrol

Anyways... lots of room for improvement, so i stop this useless feedback and give my imagination a break :)
*Wished I could help you guys develop this thing.

Author:  tomahawk308 [ Tue Apr 28, 2015 6:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vote here!

nice :D points :D

for tentacle dream story would be cool how like in classic manga storys when tentacle can wrest /bind the girl and with girl behaviour anxious, try resist how like in the pictures

tentacles_attack_colored_by_anattor-d46q1jf.jpg [ 666.82 KiB | Viewed 30950 times ]
tentacle_attack_by_coffeedog7-d6s4idd.jpg [ 274.48 KiB | Viewed 30950 times ]
tentacles_by_tentaclejames-d50b1u6.jpg [ 18.72 KiB | Viewed 30950 times ]

Author:  BubbaGump [ Fri May 01, 2015 9:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Vote here!

TBH I did not think much of the tentacle dream story until i played it. It really surprised me that I would like it so much. The only thing I didn't like was the spooj from the monster looked kind of like shit. I would change the look of that to something less shit like. Maybe clear, maybe hot pink or blue even.

Author:  burning [ Fri May 01, 2015 1:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vote here!

BubbaGump wrote:
TBH I did not think much of the tentacle dream story until i played it. It really surprised me that I would like it so much. The only thing I didn't like was the spooj from the monster looked kind of like shit. I would change the look of that to something less shit like. Maybe clear, maybe hot pink or blue even.

Shit's not usually green. What "spooj" are you talking about?

Author:  BubbaGump [ Sat May 02, 2015 7:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Vote here!

The stuff the monster shoots out. It depends upon what eat as to the color of your poop. It also depends upon your health.

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