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 XStoryPlayer + Artificial Academy 2 = perfect adult game 
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Joined: Tue Jul 22, 2014 10:46 pm
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I sincerely hope you guys read this and consider my suggestion, sorry in advance for such a long post!

So, first of all, I love all types of games, and I really love visual novel type games. So, naturally I really like the stories system that this game has, and I would never vote for it to go away. Thanks to linear stories like that we can experience a lot more awesome scenarios and fetishes that wouldn't be possible without them. But I would like for you guys to add another mode to the game. I think if you played AA2, you know about its popularity and how great the game is. Great customization, simulation aspect and lots of content. But it lacks the amazing interactivity that all adult games should have, and that XStoryPlayer has. So I would suggest to make the "Simulation Mode" in XSP to create pretty much a perfect adult game of all time, that is actually possible to create.

It would have all gameplay elements of AA2. With some specifics and unique stuff:

- Creating (or choosing) girls to include in simulation, and customizing them, with option to do so again in "edit mode", editing the existing saeve. We would have to assign houses to every girl so we could visit them.

- "Open world"
We would have the several areas to go to, like we already have in XSP. With girls having their own AI, they would wonder around that world based on randominess, their hobbies, jobs, feelings etc.

- Goals
If the game would be centered in school, we would have to study and pass exams etc. It would give us gameplay elements and goals that would be good for an open world adult game, just like in AA2. And we would have to work to pay our bills, or otherwise it would be a gameover, because a lot of adult games are very easy, I think it would be good to have this, and we would have another reason to gain money, and do something else other than try to have sex with the girls.

- Time
Mainly the time would be skipped by traveling to different locations (few minutes to an hour), working (around 6 to 10 hours depending on the job), and sleeping (6-8 hours).

- Relationships
We would have several relationship levels and statuses just like in AA2. Relationships would be hard to raise, so for example we couldn't just talk whole day with the girl and see our relationship skyrocket. For every compliment, another would have much lower benefits for example, and we would have to wait a few hours for it to have full effect again, and if we would say the same thing or type of thing several times durning few hours period, NPC would be annoyed and our relationship would be lowered. Buying them gifts, and going on dates would increase relationship the most.

- Interaction with NPCs
We could talk about many different topics with NPCs (weather, studies, compliments, hobbies etc.), invite them on dates, and other activities, make them follow us (around the area, and if we're really close, to other areas). And the best part of this is that XSP doesn't have any voice acting, so you don't need to pay voice actors, so it gives you guys opportunity to create so much fun and interesting dialogue, with lots of variation, and just general diversity. You guys are great at writing, judging for the awesome stories you've created, so I'm sure you guys will also be great at creating lots of dialogue for a dynamic simulation game. Even though it isn't that bad, the dialogue can repeat quite a lot in AA2, but we can still create a connection with the simulated girls, because of that dialogue, and that they are simulated and their AI is dynamic and stuff, which is just great. So, with the diversity that you guys could create in XSP would make it even so much better.

- NPCs being able to do all things that we do
This is what makes a simulation game, a true simulation game. Just like in AA2, they can interact with each other, go on dates, form relationships, build rivalries, have sex, increase, or decrease their stats etc.

- Stats
Intelligence for studies and desk jobs. We would get a better paycheck with higher intelligence.
Strength for fighting, about which I'll talk about later, and physical jobs with worse paychecks than intelligence based jobs. We would also get better pay check with higher Strength.
We would want to raise those stats, mainly because of the jobs, which would give us money for many fun stuff that we could buy, so it'll be very rewarding for the player.

Girls would also have horniness and virtue stats, they would work just like in AA2. They could reset their horniness by masturbating at their house... and other places. *wink* We could identify NPCs horniness level by how much they blush, them being more sweaty, and by them talking more about perverted stuff, and maybe trough body language. Horniness would increases just like in AA2, overtime and we could speed it up by kisses, hugs, and touching.

- Male NPC characters
In AA2, it is just sooo fun to have male NPCs. We could do all things with them just like the girls, but we couldn't have sex with them. And we could fight them for girls for example, just like I always do in AA2 haha. I create class with most girls and few guys, and I try to do my best to beat up the guys and take all the chicks for my self *evil laugh*. But I also make friends with some of them that have ugly girlfriend haha. Adding them would just add another fun dimension to the gameplay.

- Various character traits
They would just add overall depth and complexity to the game that is really welcome and fun to play with, as we've seen in AA2. Making all NPCs a lot more unique.

- NPCs would have many really neat details
The would: sit, drink, eat, look around, fix their hair, scratch their arm, yawn, stretch, interact with many objects in the game, react if we would constantly follow them (it could lower our relationship a little bit), if we would suddenly start to jump around they would react to that, and overall they would react to what we do. They would stand and look at lots of stuff, Like peds in GTA for example, and overall those peds in GTA games have many great details, so taking inspiration from them for your game would be great, and I'm sure you've played GTA IV or V, so you know how much fun the NPCs are when they do so many stuff and are so realistic and reactive to our actions. Bethesda's Radiant AI in TES and Fallout is also a great example of awesome, detailed NPCs.

So now, I'll give you an really awesome example that would be possible if you guys would include all of those simulation and AA2 like features to your already amazing game!

We are at the gym working out or something, and there's a really hot girl there working out that we would like to, you know. So she's working out for 2 hours, and after she's done she goes to the locker room to change and take a shower (all of that isn't scripted and trough dynamic AI, so she could do different stuff and go somewhere else, or do few things while walking to her target). So now, if she would have almost the lowest virtue and she would have a "pervert" trait (it would be almost like cheating, just like in AA2 haha), and pretty high horniness, and we wouldn't even need know her, we would get a porn fantasy scenario. When we would walk in when the girl is changing or taking a shower in the girl's locker room, the girl would be (pleasantly) surprised, and she would say something (there would be few variations of that dialogue) and offer us sex and we could accept (duh). Or we could suggest it our selves. After we accepted she would for example bend over and invite us, kneel down, or just stand waiting for our first move etc. If she would not have high enough horniness, she would still not be mad that we've walked in on her, and we could still persuade her with compliments and stuff (e.g. "you look great", "you have a nice body" etc.), since she still has very low virtue and a trait.

Example of variation in this scenario would be that we know the girl and we're good friends (it would be fairly challenging to become good friends with a girl), and she has a normal virtue and average horniness. So, if we would walk in then, she would angrily tell us to get out now and our relationship would be lowered. She would also remember that and mention it next time we'll be talking. And if we'd be still good friends, but she would have very high horniness, almost the highest, we could talk our way into having sex with her there, or she would talk us into doing it! :) (but her talking us into it with normal virtue, and good friend relationship status should have a fairly low chance) Since her virtue is normal, and she's a good friend, she would be still very ashamed, blushing and stuff to indicate that. (remember neat details! :))

Also remember school scenario from XStoryPlayer? My favorite so far, by the way (please make more of them like that! :)). Then imagine it if amazing scenarios like that could be created trough dynamic methods using all of the simulation mechanics from AA2 and ones mentioned here! :lol:

All of that would be dynamic and not scripted. Scenes like that would be just so, so much more fun and satisfying being random and dynamic, simulated in the game, rather that being scripted in a story. I hope I've convinced you now, if I haven't earlier with my technical scrawls haha. Because I know, that you know as a game developer that stuff like that would be possible, it would just require a great amount of effort. So please guys think about it, there's no need to rush or anything, you guys could even work on dynamic AI and stuff like that for that mode as a side project and if it would look good enough, you could work on it full time. Just think of so many other great, and not scripted, but dynamic scenarios we could have if you guys could pull it off! That mode would be a total blast to play as a game, as an adult game, and as a dating sim.

Thank you for reading!

Mon Mar 23, 2015 10:59 pm
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Joined: Sat Aug 23, 2014 12:47 am
Posts: 345
This is a common request to merge games like AA, but its alot to ask at this point in time. The game as is already has "time" and is on its way there on the rest of your requests. This is more of a sex sim then Japanese schoolboy sim so i don't think the devs are going to add all that. Although i would like to see it too I doubt we will truly see a traditional "open world" in this game. as is now, during the game you can travel and walk from building to building but its more of a fast travel though. And in the original you could visit 1 girls house and molest her in her sleep if you showed up at the right time =) As it is right now the first game has some great girls and some great features, this version now has some great girls and some better features along with mod support to add more wold and more girls, Soon enough the two games will be merged to one world and from there with some mods yo can have a world similar to the one in AA2. Sure it will be a bitch to render lol, but it's possible and eventually will be done by someone. The world is growing and its all coming together slowly but surly. patience is key my friend.

Fri Mar 27, 2015 8:49 pm
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Being able to customize characters on the fly would be a great feature and interaction with multiple characters is a must. But barring that, creating a school-setting "sandbox" mod is quite possible. The part that would be most difficult is the part that most intrigues me about AA2 - the complex ways the NPCs interact with each other.

Sat Mar 28, 2015 6:48 pm
Rank 6
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Joined: Tue Mar 31, 2015 6:47 am
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Ya know , You gotta give Xmoon Credit for what they did, as much as Illusion.

As much as I agree that a perfect merger of these two games would bankrupt the porn industry.
Xmoon broke their backs (metaphorically... I hope) for this game, and ya know it's beautiful . The graphics are great , and the Physics!!! I love the Physics!!

Admittedly there are things that need work but Xmoon knows this and I have no doubt are working on it.
We have a paid product. Granted I'm new here and perhaps naive, but my limited experience with them has been positive.

I'd love the position options , and the auto-move option.
However , it'd be breaking for me if they did it out side of their way.

Commands and the like.

Maybe I'm speaking for myself here, however. I think it's perfectly find to have both games. Depending on whatcha want.
Xstory however seems to fill a void 90% of Sex oriented Games lack. That's worth mentioning.

Tue Mar 31, 2015 7:06 am
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Joined: Sun Feb 22, 2015 2:34 am
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I love some of the ideas! Like others I think some of these ideas can't be implemented. But it would be fun to have more freedom and more girls than just two in each story. like lets say 8 girls. Also would be fun if we could customize the girls for our story. I also love the idea of building relationships. Like as of right now in dungeon you can choose tehir mood, so should be easy to implement some relation building where as you progress tehy go from "unsure" to horny for example, or if you do it wrong they become "angry"

Tue Mar 31, 2015 4:42 pm
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