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smithclub99 wrote:
loki wrote:
I would love to see things going more to bondage and free modding.

I’m with you loki,
Is it possible to have a piece of rope with loops on the ends. And have it behave similar to the chain with the clamps on it. You bring one of the loops to the girls wrist or ankle and it attaches and then you take the other loop to a solid object and it attaches to that. We could have a number of them in varying lengths.

These were my recent experiments. I am curious if the rope can work without bones, just as a soft object.
I couldn't attach it and tried the pizzabox scripts but I got errors like links not defined etc. Eh I have a lot of work to understand the scripts properly. I could just make the wheel turn, hoping (when rope attached) it would drag and roll the rope around.

test.jpg [ 24.14 KiB | Viewed 27171 times ]

Thu Jul 09, 2015 12:06 pm
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The only way I know to make ropes: lots of bones.

Thu Jul 09, 2015 4:03 pm
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burning wrote:
The only way I know to make ropes: lots of bones.

Well a softobject without bones kind of acts like a rope. Except I don't have any use for it atm.
(this one has only 15 segments but works well with 50)

Screenshot (32).png
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Thu Jul 09, 2015 4:17 pm
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Oh a few new one's:

8: Malleable genitalia
Touch and move the vagina lips, clitirous and maybe anus.
I want to FEEL that vagina!

9: "hold it there" button
When moving a leg/arm to a position with left click, right click to have it not move when you let go.
Manual posing.
I really want to stand saiko on a bench while in the stocks... shes too short :lol:

10: script plugin
Plugin-able scripts.
An example: a simple sleep/coma script, placed in a folder so its usable throughout each scenario.
(You did this with textures recently i think. thanks!)

11: A more penis like penis.
While the soft penis is cool... its not.. realistic. Atleast in my experience i cant turn my erect penis into a C to touch my balls.
A more solid main "body" of the penis but keep the soft base so its still directable.

12: Cloth material verietys
Would some verity in the clothes be possible?
Not so stretchy?
More friction?

This ones a bit of a stretch but will most likely be a big addition as it will help with globalization.

13: In-game text/ai modification
For example word association:

We understand, RIP.

Mon Jul 13, 2015 1:42 am
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b00marrows wrote:
13: In-game text/ai modification
For example word association:

Fun fact, Fanny in America means "butt" but in Britain it means "vagina".

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Mon Jul 13, 2015 5:32 am
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Pickled Cow wrote:
Fun fact, Fanny in America means "butt" but in Britain it means "vagina".

Exactly why i think it should be customized.
I doubt it would be fun for the developers to try to fit everything in on there own.

We understand, RIP.

Mon Jul 13, 2015 9:14 am
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@xpadmin off course the feature requests from feature request topic too :D

Wed Sep 30, 2015 1:42 pm
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#1 - Get the physics right. Most clothes seem to be made of rubber, not cloth - they are way too stretchable. And take a look at the surface friction of the stuff you put in game. Blankets usually don't slide off a bed as soon as they are moved a few centimeters/inches. And if that Big Black Dildo is rammed into an asshole, it will not just easily slide out again. Movement of the girls and the player's avatar needs to be faster and more fluid.

#2 - Get the girls right. They need way more brain. The parser has to be looked at. And the girls need some personal traits - take a look at Artificial Girl 3 by Illusion for that; they got a (basic) system where traits are achieved during gameplay. The girls should act and react better to what goes on around them. So a girl ight start up with an "angry" mood, but after being put into the stocks and whipped/caned/fucked for a while, she might turn to "frightened" rather.

#3 - More - sex - positions. And more actions the girls can do, like spreading their legs when ordered to, even when standing. Putting their arms on their backs, to cuff them etc. etc.

#3 - Please get rid of the oversized rubber-cocks. People with a gigantic dick fetish can trust that there will be modders satisfying their needs. But those arm-long and arm-sized dicks just make problems when it comes to interacting with the girls - Mummy Face Blowjob, anyone?

#4 - Please get rid of the fuckwalking. Let the feet of the player avatar get stuck to the ground on the press of a key and then the keys used for movement move the hip only... shouldn't be that difficult to implement - the girls are stuck to the ground most of the time when fucking... :twisted:

#5 - some items - the fuckmachine for example - should be moveable. And I mean EASILY moveable, not like the benches, which can be moved by running into them, but are impossible to stand up again, when they fall on their side.

#6 - SPEECH!!! And not done by some lousy porn actresses - like it's done in other games *coughsexvillacough* but more like in Artificial Girl3 - done by professional voice actrices...

That's just a few things that came to my mind... there sure are lots more, some of them are already mentioned in this thread.

edit: inserted #6

Thu Oct 01, 2015 11:57 pm
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T0mcat wrote:
#6 - SPEECH!!! And not done by some lousy porn actresses - like it's done in other games *coughsexvillacough* but more like in Artificial Girl3 - done by professional voice actrices...

You do realize that the people willing to voice a porn game are going to be ONLY porn stars, right? Any voice actor in the Western world that voices a porn game will never get to voice anything else, ever again.

Fri Oct 02, 2015 3:41 pm
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burning wrote:
T0mcat wrote:
#6 - SPEECH!!! And not done by some lousy porn actresses - like it's done in other games *coughsexvillacough* but more like in Artificial Girl3 - done by professional voice actrices...

You do realize that the people willing to voice a porn game are going to be ONLY porn stars, right? Any voice actor in the Western world that voices a porn game will never get to voice anything else, ever again.

I think there are a lot of people on freelancer dot com who are willing to do it for a few bucks (and I think there was an XXX section there). I don't bet on the quality.

Fri Oct 02, 2015 4:39 pm
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