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 Version 9.9 
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Rank 16
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loki wrote:
burning wrote:
T0mcat wrote:
#6 - SPEECH!!! And not done by some lousy porn actresses - like it's done in other games *coughsexvillacough* but more like in Artificial Girl3 - done by professional voice actrices...

You do realize that the people willing to voice a porn game are going to be ONLY porn stars, right? Any voice actor in the Western world that voices a porn game will never get to voice anything else, ever again.

I think there are a lot of people on freelancer dot com who are willing to do it for a few bucks (and I think there was an XXX section there). I don't bet on the quality.

That's pretty much exactly what T0mcat said he didn't want - amateur voice actresses of dubious ability. He wants professionals... like the people that voice cartoon characters. Children's cartoon characters. Yeah, not for all the money in the world.

Sat Oct 03, 2015 1:37 am
Rank 15
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I believe you can get pros on freelancer sites. Cheaper than a known pornstar. Its just hard to sort them out from hundreds of wannabes that apply.

But if you create a new project: ask to say "the quick brown fox" laughing, crying etc or read a Shakespeare in a mp3 is enough to hire a voice actor from these sites.

Sat Oct 03, 2015 7:53 pm
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burning wrote:
That's pretty much exactly what T0mcat said he didn't want - amateur voice actresses of dubious ability. He wants professionals... like the people that voice cartoon characters. Children's cartoon characters. Yeah, not for all the money in the world.

Freelancers COULD be great. There was some girl doing speech and sounds (sucky, sucky...) for SuperDeepthroat, and those sounded way better than any "professional porn actress" sounds even in their videos... OK, that MIGHT be, because dialog isn't very much favoured in porn movies (and most games...) and therefor the scripts done (if there are any...) are rather trashy.

Fact is, japanese games usually have some good voice actresses going (if you like that squeaky style, which I do...) and I guess some of them woud a) be able to do their job in english (or engrish.. ) and b) unsqueaky, because that's just the "special sex voice preference" in Japan.

Problem would be, that those professionals take professional amounts of money.

So trying to get some freelancers would IMHO be a very good idea. Better than porn actresses.

Mon Oct 05, 2015 3:14 pm
Rank 17
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Sad it before and say it again, do a Patreon page and dont promise to get game finished fast, do something like, if we get in 2000USD we can hire 1 to help use make the game full time, if/when you pledged 50USD in total you can get your name in credit on the game and then have like Give 1USD, 3USD, 5USD, 10USD and then if some ask for higher then you can add higher.

Fri Feb 19, 2016 8:47 pm
Rank 16
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T0mcat wrote:
burning wrote:
That's pretty much exactly what T0mcat said he didn't want - amateur voice actresses of dubious ability. He wants professionals... like the people that voice cartoon characters. Children's cartoon characters. Yeah, not for all the money in the world.

Freelancers COULD be great. There was some girl doing speech and sounds (sucky, sucky...) for SuperDeepthroat, and those sounded way better than any "professional porn actress" sounds even in their videos... OK, that MIGHT be, because dialog isn't very much favoured in porn movies (and most games...) and therefor the scripts done (if there are any...) are rather trashy.

Fact is, japanese games usually have some good voice actresses going (if you like that squeaky style, which I do...) and I guess some of them woud a) be able to do their job in english (or engrish.. ) and b) unsqueaky, because that's just the "special sex voice preference" in Japan.

Problem would be, that those professionals take professional amounts of money.

So trying to get some freelancers would IMHO be a very good idea. Better than porn actresses.

Yes, some freelancers are very talented amateurs. But as you point out, it's a needle in a haystack situation. Still, it's a good idea. I suggest "crowdsourcing" the casting - that is, let us players handle the auditions.

Sat Feb 20, 2016 9:22 pm
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I placed this message in the Donations thread, so I apologize for double posting but I fear there is little activity and would very much like to have my question answered, thankyou for your patience.

I have been prowling these forums for months and finally decided to join so I could ask a question.

Is there any news on the possibility of a Patreon page to support this project?

I really love this game and am quite excited about the future of it's development. I currently spend over $100 USD per month supporting 5 other projects and have been waiting in anticipation for this project to hit the patreon so I could offer my pledge to it's success. I am sure if you placed this game on Patreon you would get an overwhelming amount of support from the community. From my experience people don't need monthly content updates to keep supporting a project, we only require reports on progress, where the funds are going, screenshots of current work, discussions on the private patreon pages bouncing ideas, direction of game and general chit chat.

You could easily offer the Verion2.0 for pledges of up to $10 per month, offer Version3.5 for pledges $20 per month and over, I believe you would see many new supporters of this project after more people have played the game. And people like myself that already have played and own the games don't need the base games but could be involved in beta testing, story ideas, viewing progress and moral support :) Also those that have supported the game up to "x" amount of money could get the new version free? Just bouncing ideas here... the point is, this project has so much potential and the more publicity it gets the better for you the developers to get the funds and fan base you need to make a great game.

I look forward to the next version, keep up the great work.

Wed May 25, 2016 10:59 pm
Rank 5
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Agreed money in advance to help with development would be beneficial - however these forums need an overhaul.

I'm an outsider, with plenty of experience online and even in web design and organizing complex forums for gaming communities - and I have a difficult time finding information in these forums ..... yes I can usually find what I am looking for after some time, but for someone just interested in the game, they don't want to use the search or dig through pages of threads. It needs to be organized for the "non techie" to boost interest.

An in depth FAQ and even the walk through many request should be provided as well....

Again, just my two cents :)

Fri May 27, 2016 1:40 am
Rank 17
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Druvari on forum you have XStoryPlayer Wiki and under that there is walk through, explanations to do mods and so on.

Fri May 27, 2016 8:44 am
Rank 2
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Has the development of this game stopped..? I'm waiting for better mechanics poses character customization and whatever else will make this game better.

Thu Jul 20, 2017 1:36 am
Rank 17
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Joined: Fri Nov 21, 2014 10:37 pm
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pmcc86 wrote:
Has the development of this game stopped..? I'm waiting for better mechanics poses character customization and whatever else will make this game better.

Been asked and answered 100 times and the answer is no they work on a new engine.

Thu Jul 20, 2017 8:56 am
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