Lectodanf wrote:
...And still, this is the only content added to this game since 5 years back.
Damn, when you put it like that, it's pretty bad.
I'm from the UK, and in February 2015, I met a woman online and went out to upstate NY to meet her for her birthday the following May. It was a fiery, whirlwind relationship and we wanted to stay together, so we ended up getting married in July that year. After going through getting work authorization, then a Green Card, I lived there in a log cabin on Mount Peter for 3 years, watched Trump get elected, watched the whole Brexit thing unfold back home and finally got divorced (long, crazy story) at the tail end of 2018.
I moved back to the UK in 2019, where I crashed on my parents' couch for a couple of weeks. I soon found a job, got a flat and have since met another woman. It's starting to get serious, so who knows what happens next (I won't be so quick to tie the knot this time

So yeah, a hell of a lot of stuff has happened in everyone's lives since this Christmas Special came out. Can we at least not give us character creation tools or new characters for 3.5?
I'm calling you out, @XPAdmin. If I don't hear from you before the end of this month (30th April 2020), I'll assume 4.0 isn't happening. I just hope you're staying safe, wherever you are.